Mr. White was the best teacher in the school he was teaching. Unfortunately he wasn’t teaching the students that much so all the parents were complaining him. They had a meeting and they decided to fire Mr. White... He was very disappointed.
Later that day he had a call from an unknown number. He was wondering who it was. The unknown number was from a school in Cyprus, they told him that they need an English teacher because Miss Lapalme couldn’t handle the 6th graders, the 7th graders and the 8th graders. He told them he will think about it. When Mr. White searched in the internet for Cyprus, he couldn’t believe that they called him from a small tiny island to go there. He also saw that the country was half. Half of the country is Greek and their other part in Turkish. He said to him self “Since they fired me from my old school is a good opportunity to go in a new school and a new country”.
The time was passing and Mr. White had a final choice. He will come in Cyprus. Mr. White called the school and told them that he will come, he also asked them what is the name of the school and the told him the name of your new school is American International School in Cyprus.
When Mr. White packed his things and was ready to go to the airport, he forgot to tell his wife about it! He went quickly home and tells his wife. Mrs. White was so happy because she also wanted a job in a new country.
They finally went to the airport. After a long trip the came in Cyprus. The taxi brought them in Nicosia and they stayed in a hotel. The next day they went to the school so the principle could see them. They were so happy, the really liked the school and the country.
Well that’s all about Mr. Whites vacations, I hope you enjoy Cyprus more Mr. White, your pal Andreas P.
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